1/24 GAT-X105 Bust – 04
Time to add the clear panels on the GAT-X105 head and the first part is to fit the re-painted “unicorn horn” to the top of the head. Please note that it slides in at an angle to get the correct fit.
You must fit the top head armour first or you will not get the Vulcan cannons to sit as they rest over the armour piece a slight bit. The inner detail has been softened a bit by the clear plastic, but still visible and to show work I did.
The section of head armour that slides out is held in by 3 chrome effect pins that I did not do anything to as with being moved in and out any painting would wear in time and look a mess to me. When in the out position all the paint effects on the Vulcan cannons now does begin to work instead of just it’s original colours.
Only some of this will be seen when completed, but just this bit of detail on the neck section and the moulded springs helps to bring the details out and match what I did to the inner head parts of the GAT-X105.
Apologies for not knowing the correct name for these 2 parts, and didn’t do much to them only painting the red parts in primer and a favourite Ruby Red from “K Color”, and the middle joints in Pale Burnt Metal.