Pretty Armor “Viper” Bike

This is the static page for the “Pretty Armor” Viper bike I have enjoyed building this kit and doing some work to remove and fill the seam lines on some of the parts to make it look better. The major seam line issues were on the tyres and forks of the bike that, as they are visible, just would not look right to me.

The core of the engine was done in dark metallic shades and the bike painted purple with panel lining and detailing where required.

I do have another similar bike kit that I will be doing probably white this time, but may use one or 2 different shading patterns.

Here are the links to the blog posts in making the Viper bike…

Part 1Part 2
Part 3Part 4
Part 5Part 6
Pretty Armor “Viper” Bike


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Completed Pretty Armor "Viper" bike. picture No.01. Painted in purple with metallic shades & rubber coloured tyres.